Motivate yourself

Exercise to stimulate, not to annihilate.

Use help and try to add weights

Take your friend's help and try to add weights and do reps that you have not done in the past

Push yourself harder

Push yourself harder

Get curvy and strong

Work hard on all your muscles and then you are ready to show it off.

Throw away all pessimistic thoughts

Do not stress yourself and keep calm and do your workout.


Friday 31 January 2014

Basic Weightlifting guide

I won’t go too much into the rea­sons why lift­ing heavy weights is good for you — Like the Nike slo­gan: just do it. This post is a basic guide on HOW to lift heavy weights.
Some Food for thought:
There is a bunch of BS sur­round­ing weight-lifting and fit­ness in gen­eral. Most of what works is easy to under­stand and the rest is mostly smoke and mir­rors meant to sell books, ad-space, or the lat­est gim­micky fit­ness prod­uct. I’m going to let you in on a secret: Don’t buy the hype.
Fit­ness and weight-lifting is very sim­ple to under­stand and uni­ver­sally applic­a­ble for 99% of the pop­u­la­tion.The weightlift­ing prin­ci­ples are based on how we have sur­vived in nature for thou­sands of years and evolved to our cur­rent con­di­tion. Human beings are made to pick up, drag, and move heavy objects.  It has been an inte­gral part of the human sur­vival and growth.  

Now-a-days peo­ple aren’t forced to move any­thing heavy unless by choice and this inac­tiv­ity has a large cor­re­la­tion to the obe­sity pan­demic in this coun­try.  Lift­ing weights is a basic human func­tion we all must do; male or female, young or old.  
Weightlift­ing is exactly, absolutely,  undoubtedly,  and 100% what you need to have develop any kind of tone-ness or firm­ness for men and women!


A huge ben­e­fit of build­ing mus­cle through lift­ing weights is the ther­mo­genic effect that your body has after you train. Your body turns into a calorie-burning furnace. Think of it as ‘car­dio’ for free–you burn calo­ries when you aren’t moving.
When you lift weights you will firm-tone-and-tighten (I hate these words but just so we are on the same page) your entire body, and after you lift weights, for the next 24 hours you will expe­ri­ence calorie-burning that will help shed the hardest-to-shed area of your body: the stom­ach.


Stand up, sit down, pick stuff up, press it over­head. Any human can per­form these move­ments. Maybe not with weight, maybe not with­out assis­tance, maybe not per­fectly, but they def­i­nitely can be done. The point is to start doing them and to start at what­ever point your fit­ness level deter­mines. Flex­i­bil­ity, gen­eral fit­ness con­di­tion, and many other fac­tors will come into play in deter­min­ing where you should start and how long it will take to reach goals you set for yourself.


Shoulder press
The key is to get started, take it slow, and be safe. Do not pressurise yourself or dont get into any kind of excitement in the beginning. Do not try to lift heavy weights intially otherwise you will face serious troubles.


1. Lift 2–4 times a week
2. Fol­low pro­gres­sive over­load prin­ci­ples (increase weight smartly)
3. Track your progress
4. Analyze fail­ure (usu­ally) with proper intensity
5. Rest between sessions
6. Train in a bal­anced way and work mobility
7.  Use a work­out part­ner and spot­ter. Be safe (if you get hurt you can’t train and that is counterproductive)
8. Eat a clean diet that empha­sizes whole foods that will improve recovery
9. Drink water
10.  Keep reps moderate-to-heavy  in the 8–15 range most of the time. Do heavy 1–5 rep sets some­times (advanced) and do 10+ rep sets sometimes
11. Use proper warm-up sets with light weight and build to work­ing sets.

Thursday 30 January 2014

10 bad foods to avoid in daily life (part-2)

You might be one of the bodybuilders who is training hard but no results are visible or the rate of development is simply low. In this case we might be dealing with a problem that is not given by your bodybuilding routine but your bad eating habits. They can actually keep weight loss unreachable and even building muscles can become very difficult. 


If there is one food that epitomises the 21st century junk food it's the doughnut. Coated, filled, glazed, sugared, jam crammed or plain old ring they are not great for your body. It's not only the refined flour, refined sugar and then the frying in the refined oil that makes them bad for you. Doughnuts will upset blood-sugar balance, and give a quick high followed by a crash and burn low, then you guessed it, you're hungry again and reaching for another one - that's why they generally come in boxes of 10.
Canned soups
Soups don't seem to be one of the bad boys and they probably can sit quite comfortably in the middle of the bad-food scale, but it's their salt-packing stealth that gets them into this list. Soups mainly sport a healthy identity; wholesome, warming and good for you. The reality is many canned varieties are super-high in salt, so if you must have soup, avoid the canned ones or make your own.

Liquid meals
They aren't inherently bad for you, but liquid meals or meal-replacement drinks do keep you from eating proper food. You need to make sure you eat eating whole, natural foods to ensure you gain all your nutrients. Meal replacements maybe good for people who are too ill to eat, but don't let them replace the real foods in your diet.

Potato Chips

Potato chips are high in fat and salt, the perfect combination for putting on weight. They are also empty calories to be avoided. Bodybuilders must keep their body-fat percentage low or their toned muscles won't be visible under the fat. Potato chips and other salty foods also increase your blood pressure.

Fast-Food Burgers

Fast-food meals are quick, cheap and available everywhere. They're also full of calories that can take you an hour to an hour and a half on a treadmill to burn off. Bodybuilders do not have the time or energy to waste burning off the approximately 800 to 1,000 calories in a typical fast-food burger.

Good Combinations:
    1) protein and fibrous carbs ( steak and spinach salad)
    2) protein and fats ( Chicken, Fish and Egg )

Bad Combinations:
     1) protein and simple carbs (many weight gain powders
     2) carbs and fats (cheese bread, pizza)

Wednesday 29 January 2014

Work hard to get in shape

Tuesday 28 January 2014

10 bad foods to avoid in daily life (part-1)

You might be one of the bodybuilders who is training hard but no results are visible or the rate of development is simply low. In this case we might be dealing with a problem that is not given by your bodybuilding routine but your bad eating habits. They can actually keep weight loss unreachable and even building muscles can become very difficult. 

 Fried desserts

Fried desserts feature high up on the list of worst foods to eat as essentially you are dipping something in batter that is already high in sugar and fat, and then deep frying it. Don't be fooled by pineapple and banana(or any other fruit in that case) fritters either, they are no better because they are fruit, the layer of batter and the fact they are swimming in sugary syrup make them no go dishes too.

Cheesy fries

Fries could feature as a bad food on their own, but cutting these from your life totally would be a hard move. But taking a plate fried potato and layering it in cheese, well, that takes them up a notch in the bad food stakes. Cheese typically contains over 10 times as much saturated fat as fish and white meat and coupled with deep fried carbs, a serving of cheesy fries is not recommended.

Fizzy drinks

Fizzy drinks are bad, mainly because they pack massive amounts of calories, even in small quantities, so you are adding to your daily calorie quota and getting little nutritional value in return. Fizzy drink consumption leads to tooth decay and heart disease. Diet drinks are not recommended either, granted they are lower in calories but as they contribute to dental erosion (the bubbles in the drink are acidic) they are a no go as well.

Processed meats

These are also sometimes referred to as 'mystery meats' because it's ambiguous as to what some of them actually contain. But you can be assured that if it comes from a can and is kind of unrecognizable - it's not going to be great for your body.Try to steer clear of sausages and salamis too, these foodstuffs are generally all the unwanted bits churned up with fat and salt that do affect the bodybuilding process.

Chicken nuggets

First off, chicken nuggets that are not made from fillets are the real bad guys. When these little nuggets are deep fried, that really boosts their 'worst-food' status and it's all to do with the size. Smaller fried items, i.e. nuggets absorb more fat that larger pieces of fried goods, so a portion of nuggets will pack way more fat that a single larger fried piece. So if you want fried chicken - go for a big breast.

Good Combinations:
     1) protein and fibrous carbs ( steak and spinach salad)
    2) protein and fats ( Chicken, Fish and Egg )

Bad Combinations:
     1) protein and simple carbs (many weight gain powders)
     2) carbs and fats (cheese bread, pizza)

Thursday 23 January 2014

Get in shape quickly however busy you are

Even if you are a busy guy, you can drop fat, get healthy, and get into the best shape of your life.

All you need is a simplified exercise plan, a progressive set of nutrition habits, and a knowledgable coach to help guide the process.
You know that a strong body is a healthy body.
Starting a whole new way of working out can be daunting. It’s the reason so many people stick to the same old habits (that don’t work).
The first option is bodyweight training. With bodyweight training you need minimal equipment (or none at all), and you can train from anywhere.  It doesn’t matter if you’re at home, in a hotel, at a playground, in your office at work as long as you have enough space to move around, you can get your workout done (and fit it into a busy schedule).If you’re bodyweight training, grab a pull-up bar or a set of gymnastics rings.
Gymnastic rings
Pull up bars to workout anywhere
Dumbbells are a great way to start out with weighted strength training for a few reasons. Most gyms will have a good set dumbbells, even if it’s a basic gym in your apartment complex. If you want to train at home, you can get a set of adjustable dumbbells that don’t take up a ton of space.
Add as many weights as you can lift


Because a barbell is incredibly stable, it’s also much easier to go heavy – especially for lower body movements like the squat and the deadlift. For exercises like the squat or the press, you can use racks to safely load and unload heavy weights.


Never walk into the gym without a game plan.  
We want to avoid that wandering “sheep without a shepherd” strategy that doesn’t produce results.
You may know you want to work with a barbell, but you don’t want to be the guy/girl that doesn’t have a plan.  When you don’t have a plan and just aimlessly walk from machine to machine, you will not see very much progress.

First: Choose a simpler, less time-consuming workout plan
Each week do the following:
2 x 30 minute resistance exercise sessions — mostly body weight exercises
2 x 15 minute interval exercise sessions — on a treadmill or outside at a track
1 x 60 minute walk — outdoors with your family or friends

Next: Get some better nutrition advice
Yes, exercise is important. But, for busy, high-stress guys wanting to drop weight or get back in shape, nutrition is where it’s at. That’s why I also recommended a few nutrition tips.
There are lot of flavours available and you can choose from one of them according to your budget and the muscle girth you want to improve.

If you cannot afford to buy these proteins then you can always go for proteins in natural food that we eat

Last Important Tip :
The calorie that you take in should be less than the calorie burnt in exercises to maintain your health and fitness. You will be in shape by hitting the gym regularly along with good nutrition supplements that get along well with your body.No more aimless wandering in gym. Remember you should be your own competitor and keep on adding reps if you are comfortable with it.

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